Member Spotlight: Ashley Wamsley

Where are you from? What brought you to Missoula?  I was born and raised in Missoula and I love it here, so I am sure I will never leave! When…

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Member Spotlight: Jamie Swartz, Pengelly Double and Single Dips Race Director

You are the race director for the Pengelly Double and Single Dip. How long have you been the RD and how did you get started? This will be my third…

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Member Spotlight: Dakota Umbel

Where are you from? What brought you to Missoula or kept you here?  I am from The Plains, Virginia, a small rural town about 50 miles west of D.C. My…

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Member Spotlight: Sara Boughner

Where are you from? What brought you to Missoula or kept you here?  I was born and raised in Flagstaff, Arizona, the Missoula of the Southwest. The UM School of…

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Member Spotlight: Jesse Carnes

Where are you from? What brought you to Missoula or kept you here?  I grew up in Colville, Washington, which is a small town north of Spokane. I came to…

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Member Spotlight: Sally Canata

  Where are you from? What brought you to Missoula or kept you here?   I grew up in Seattle and came to Missoula via Alaska. I lived out of a…

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Hardrock Visions

Colton, Sawna, and Juniper (dog) Hardrock Visions  by Jeff Rome Sunday, July 9th, eveningNear Silverton, CO I pull up to the Ice Lakes trailhead and start to get things ready….

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MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Catherine Redfern

Catherine Redfern is a Montana native chosen for her consistent dedication to running and RWM events. You’ll find Catherine hard charging at Tuesday track and out on the roads training…

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Common Ground: Celebrating our Public Lands by Anthony Pavkovich

On July 10th I wandered out my front door, laced up my shoes, and began jogging away from town and toward the mountains.  At either side were two of my…

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Q & A with Thunderbolt Creek RD Brian Wieck

The Thunderbolt Creek 30k is the third race in the 2017 Treasure State Trail Series and is coming up quick! The gun goes off Saturday, July 15th at 8am. Starting near Boulder,…

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Member Spotlight: Brian Thrapp

Brian Thrapp  I grew up in Missoula, camping every weekend during the summer, skiing at Marshall during the winter.  I left after high school, waiting tables in northern VA for…

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Alpine Physical Therapy: Tips for High Performance Knees

The forces crossing the knee with jumping, pivoting, kicking, and running can be staggering. Injury, pain, weakness, and a general loss of stability in the knee can create a host…

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Meet Adam Rasmussen, runner, beer lover, and active member of Missoula’s trail running community. You might meet Adam in a Run Wild Missoula trail class, running up sentinel harnessed to…

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Traversing the Northern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Honoring Our Common Ground

Zach Altman high in the Gallatin Range – Credit: Anthony Pavkovich Traversing the Northern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Honoring Our Common Ground By Anthony Pavkovich Sitting on my front porch, my gaze…

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Trail Shots: Jumbo North Zone opens with balsamroot bounty

Dana Bandy and balsamroot in Mount Jumbo’s North Zone. Photo credit: Craig Macholz It’s that time of year many have been waiting for: The North Zone of Mount Jumbo is…

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We are pleased to feature Jen von Sehlen as this month’s Member Spotlight.  Jen has served as Race Director for the Run for the Luck of It! race since inception…

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